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J'aime la Belgique mais puisqu'ici il n'y a pas alors je combattrai aux côtés de la France.
Lieutenant General
15 Level
11,170 Experience
57,343,809 Damage
8.484375 Economy skill
2197 Strength
British Empire
French Republic
Day 16 Birthday
4 / 35 National by XP
5 / 35 National by DMG
214 / 1,853 Global by XP
342 / 1,853 Global by DMG
Political office Congress member of French Republic
Political office Party leader
Military unit Old Guards
Working at

3,852 - 6,112
Critical hit:
7,704 - 12,224
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
Total critical hit chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-2.44 %
-2.91 %
Overall miss chance
7.15 %
7.15 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+1.74 %
+1.71 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
8.45 %
8.45 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
2.81 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • x4
  • x2
  • x5
  • x3
  • x43
  • x4
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 71 of 270See all achievements
Friends (28)
We did what we could in the last RW but they are still too strong for us. ANd by the way, we should revoke Taihenfella's citizenship, he fights against us in war.
Belge Supreme posted 5 years ago

Congratulation to Sweden for having defeated Ottoman Empire.
Belge Supreme posted 5 years ago

The "Bloc National" changed its name and now becomes the "National Block" a bilingual party. The next member will be promoted vice-president. Join us now ! https://xix.e-sim.org/party.html?id=110
Belge Supreme posted 6 years ago

Hello, someone has a ticket ? I'm stuck here. I can give you another back.
Belge Supreme posted 6 years ago

Even if can't really be connected this week,, I'm running for president again. I will be able to make things move, but I will start tomorrow.
Belge Supreme posted 6 years ago

Bon, j'ai donné tout ce que j'avais pour le premier round, à vous de jouer maintenant.
Belge Supreme posted 6 years ago

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